
I believe policy-oriented researchers should be actively engaged in policy, and a lot of my time is dedicated to trying to help policymakers as they take the decisions that shape our lives. As the issues of tech/democracy and communication become increasingly pressing, this is keeping me busy! I have a long and varied experience having acted as a policy advisor to the UK government, and led the introduction of Creative Commons IP licenses in the UK, as well as setting up media policy projects at IPPR and LSE. I have written multiple reports for the Council of Europe and the European Commission and served on their expert groups. I co-chaired a working group of the Forum on Information on Democracy, and have advised the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe on media freedom.


Contributions/evidence to Parliamentary Committees and intergovernmental organisations

I am often called to advise on policy by Parliament and by governments and I always think it is part of my civic duty to get engaged with these processes as much as I can. You can find a full list in my CV and more in the archive. Here are some examples:

During the pandemic I was appointed to the UK Government Covid Disinformation Taskforce which was a monthly meeting of around 20 experts, civil servants and platform representatives sharing information on covid related disinformation.

I was the lead author of a study on Media Pluralism in the UK, funded By OfCom/ EUI Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, 2022

UK Parliament Joint Scrutiny Committee on the Online Safety Bill. I was invited to organize, chair and speak at two seminars for the members of the Committee, 2021-22 The summary of evidence was submitted to the committee by my department at LSE

I was a consultant on the European Commission’s Impact Assessment on its Media Freedom Act in 2022 and also one of the lead authors on a huge EC study on media pluralism with a big international team of academic experts.. a short blog on it is here..

House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee - I was invited to give evidence on Hate Crime and the internet. 6 Feb 2018 the video is here (around 17:03; 17:40).

House of Lords Select Committee on Communications - I was invited to give evidence to the inquiry: The Internet: to Regulate or Not to Regulate? 2018

I also regularly submit evidence and expert views to international organisations such as the Council of Europe. I have served on several expert committees and drafted recommendations and studies for them. You can find lots of examples and videos like this.

Policy briefs

Responsible as co-editor for over 80 country reports and policy reports under the auspices of the Open Society Foundation Mapping Digital Media Project.

As series editor for LSE Media Policy Project, I edited or co-edited 20 policy briefs.

Impact case study

LSE Impact Case Study on Regulating Media Power in Democracies, 2021


Reports and public policy submissions

I frequently provide parliamentary inquiries, civil society organizations, international organizations, and government consultations with formal submissions, informal reports, and oral evidence, both as an individual and in collaboration with others.

NBTC Thailand. Report on Broadcasting Policy in 7 Markets, 2024

Forum on Information and Democracy. Co-Chair of Working group on “accountability of social networks.”, 2022

Impact Assessment on the EU Media Freedom Act. Intellera Consulting (Co-author), 2021

Consultancy and advisory

Simon Forge Associates/ National Broadcasting and Telcommunications Commisison, Thailand. Project on the future of Audiovisual in Thailand, 2024

Ofcom/European University Institute. Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom. Country lead for UK report of the Media Pluralism Monitor, 2023

European University Institute. Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom. Consultancy: Online intermediaries and media pluralism. European Commission, 2021-2

The Media Freedom Act Impact Assessment. Intellera Consulting/ European Commission, 2021-2